Connection With God. Series One

08 Jun Connection With God. Series One

Dear Relevance Family,

Last Sunday’s service was so awesome! The worship rocked and we also had a great word based on Ecclesiastes chapter 12 in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Verse 1 says “Don’t’ let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him with your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore.”” (New Living Translation).


This word is super relevant to the Relevance Family as we co-labour with God to give birth to this movement. But it was a specific word given to the young people in our Family. It is so easy to get distracted these days because life offers so many alternative ways to spend your time and resources: party today, travel tomorrow, beach on Sunday, eat out, eat in, download a movie, surf the web, take up art, play football, watch football, dream football, shop online, study, sleep in…!! We are constantly learning about more things we can do, different places to go and new things to buy!

There is nothing inherently wrong with these things! God loves it when we are enjoying life – He is a good Father who seeks to continually bless us with good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). But we should always be careful that these things do not take the place of God, our Creator. In fact the writer of Ecclesiastes says “Everything is meaningless…” (verse 8) and then concludes in verse 13 by saying “Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.”

God should be our number one passion! So let’s honour Him in our youth! Don’t postpone your pursuit of Him until you are “older” or “more mature”. Pursue Him today and watch Him transform you with His great love! Fear Him – which means to stand in awe of His goodness and holiness! And obey Him – which means to do what He has asked you to do!

We are soooo excited to go on this journey with you as we seek God together! Feel free to share your thoughts, your concerns and your reflections here! See you on Sunday!

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