About Relevance

Is God interested in my life? Is the Word of God RELEVANT to me? Does the Word of God really work? Is God real?

We would love to welcome you to Relevance, a movement to take people back to the heart of God. We celebrate a different type of worship experience that connects us to the simplicity and practicality of God’s word. This is a safe place of interaction where the hard questions get asked and answered. It’s all about seeing the RELEVANCE of God’s word in everyday life.

#ChangeYourMind #ChangeYourLife #Transformation #Come As You Are #Leave Changed!

What to expect:

  • Transformational Worship
  • Interactive Teaching
  • Practical Application of God’s Word
  • Engagement with God
  • Networking & Fellowship

The emphasis of Relevance is to help you build or rebuild your relationship with God and to give you practical tools to apply the Word of God to your everyday life, which is critical for experiencing victory on every level.

If you are hungry to learn more about God in a contemporary setting, want more from your current worship experience or are simply looking for a place to fill in the blanks on your knowledge of scriptural principles and experience with God – we would love for you to join us at Relevance on Sundays @ The Tent.

Your Presence