Series Nine

09 Nov Series Nine

Hello family. It was another amazing Sunday as we eavesdropped on the conversation God had with Saul transformed to the apostle Paul and Ananias an early Christian in the book of Acts. Pauls life definitely illustrated that

God will call you. Confront you in your sin. Challenge you and redirect your passions to align with His agenda. There is no way you can have a conversation with God and not be drastically changed.

This fire breathing persecutor of the early church was changed into an apostle that wrote a major part of the new testament as he shared with the churches principles of living a life set apart for Christ!

The other thing that became very clear was the fact that

God uses other people in our lives sometimes in order to steer us onto the right path. I can imagine the fear Ananias must have first felt when God told him to go and embrace Paul and pray for his sight to return. This man who was killing Christians? This is where you want me to go God? But he obeyed and went. God knew He could trust Ananias with the assignment.  It is true God chooses us best on our temperament for His purposes. There is a cost for the calling. Some are not willing to pay the price to fulfill their destiny. In the end Paul gave up everything to become the person God created him to be.

God understands that men might hold your past against you. And yet, God is not hung up on your past and will not be deterred from His original plan for your life by your misdirected desires.


Ephesians 2:10 puts it this way, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”


The other great thing is God is never distracted from His original plan. He will allow you to run your course before apprehending you. Rest assured your life as you planned it has an expiration date.


This is one of my favorite scriptures. Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.


Last but not least– God will direct you and also speak to and use others to direct you.


He promises that “If you go the wrong way—to the right or to the left—you will hear a voice behind you. It will say, “This is the right way. You should go this way.” Is. 30:21


How liberating is that?


God will to great lengths to reveal Himself as God to you and cause you to hear His voice.


This should make you feel special as you realize how dear to Gods heart you really are!


So think about this:


What is your passion?

In what day do your passions line up with God’s intent for your life?

In what ways do you need to redirect your desires in order to become what God created you to be?


We’re almost done but not quite!

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